Blockchain Coffee “Brittle” — D00k13

Cam Stubbs(@d00k13)
2 min readJun 14, 2020

Today I feel like a #freewrite . Stopping in on the founders, @Mariannewest, blog page to discover what today’s prompt is I am reminded of her pursuit to go LIVE.

Yesterdays prompt “Brittle” dedicated to @Mariannewest below

Time tested and true you may be but how well do you handle on the spot?

I joke, of all people that have helped me along the way I know you to be one worth helping.

I remember the first time you told me your age and I was shocked. How could someone so old be so cutting edge? Even the pictures you post of yourself seem to have a youthful presence. All simply a testament of how well you weather time.

I have been realizing over the last couple years of writing that age is basically a mindset. My body will always remain the same brittle structure, but my mind tends to be whatever it wants to be at that time. Sometimes in a single day I swing from being a bitter old man too a joyful kid.

Sometimes that swing is triggered by a cup of coffee and Blockchain Coffee #freewrite just like this morning. Sitting here realizing I have the solution for your live streaming goals and may finally …

Help You In Return!

PS do hit me up in discord as I can help you setup & Streamlabs if you need help. This will allow you to skip the needed 1000 subs on YouTube and start your Live Yoga Podcast using your iPhone. The service will also enable you to automatically push your stream too Twitch, Mixer, Periscope, Facebook while also bringing all their chat into one place. #KISS Keeping It Stupidly Simple — once you get through the initial setup you can literally set all your titles from on mobile in one update then flip to the app and go live on Wifi or cellular data this service also has a widget to include the stream on your webpage

Originally published at on June 14, 2020.



Cam Stubbs(@d00k13)

Lifestyle Vlogger | FreeWrite Blogger | DPoS Witness | Cannabis Advocate | Just Doing My Own Thing!