It is A Good Time to Buy, Making IT Go Green with A Rudex Run — D00k13 Dot Com

Cam Stubbs(@d00k13)
8 min readMay 11, 2020

Kind of came out of the blue today, I decided to drop some of my STEEM&HIVE power down into SMOKE. I have a few giveaways I wish to run and possibly a few upcoming promotional initiatives to reward people for, all depending on how much traction I can pickup in promotion over this year … new user bonuses? I had spoken with @Stoner recently about a signup system that included redemption codes, but I can run something like that using my promotional cards and manual code verifications . I do not know about any of that yet but what I do know is, I really enjoyed being able to make such a small market flush with GREEN!!!

As for this purchasing of SMOKE, I have been watching the markets for a year or so now and have noticed that in general though depreciating SMOKE has decent buying support across the lower ranges. We have a few believers or at least gamblers that know such a strong niche could be huge say we can make the right connections. For me, this whole reward for blogging thing is like a self-sustaining business, the more I earn the more I can try do. My crypto investments take the same pattern of taking continuous small risks and repeating what is successful and since I can earn from blogging nearly anything I have touched has been growing in value. Often that value is token count and not monetary value as markets swing and inflation takes place on our platforms like STEEM/ HIVE/ SMOKE/ WLS but for 2 years now I have watched it grow, nonetheless.

Now reaching a point after recent complications resulting in a divide of users, I have started searching for places to move some of my hard earn investments. Naturally I have spent some( on Cannabis even), reinvested some in equipment but largely I am holding liquid trying to decide whether to HODL through this BTC halfening or secure my profits cashing out and buying back in after things settle. Never know how things are going to go but I am leaning heavily on a 25–40% pullback with some sideways action for a long period.

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Seeing how the price has gotten so low and how few are selling I figured I would buy some and support the bottom level in hopes to pick up more so cheap. By my estimates SMOKE is sitting at about $0.01 via BTS which is a level I can support. I am now evenly invested and rewarded in token count if you exclude purchasing cost of witness equipment bringing me up to a 102,075.645 SMOKE POWER and 30,348.039 LIQUID SMOKE. At this point I am not certain how much I am going to invest here from my blogging activities elsewhere. I do however wish to do some give away and in wanting to keep my word of not powering down a few smallish purchases will be necessary.

pick up another Any suggestions on a giveaway topic I should do for the 30K SMOKE is plenty for a few giveaways but that is not it, I am set to 100K SMOKE or so say people start selling. Not encouraging anyone to sell if they do not have too but I am supporting that buy wall for you guys. Quickly I am going to jump those token holder ranks … maybe I should pester Jamie about her stats script … Stats would be a good purpose for the @OneLoveSmoke account for now which reminds me I need to give away the liquid SMOKE on that account still … 1,860.612 LIQUID SMOKE on @OneLoveSmoke?

I hope to get a little more inspired around some cannabis topics this week though most likely be focusing on my site. New post signature is in the works also, one that works across on WP & all pages I post to which will be tricky.

As for the witness LOL she sits there doing her thing. Luckily Covid-19 has not affected her none!

I am focused on my site and building a brand for myself. The more I look at it the more I think I will need to divide my content though I had wished not to. For my cannabis content to get traction I must be very specific in promotion while everything else gets ignored doing the same thing. I had hoped to use the traction I have from other places to get interest in what I am doing here on but that has not worked out very well so far.

New tactic should be seperating my content and trying to create a homogeous brand for each channel that I run. The systems of efficent content creation I am building now, which includes converting one of my witness rigs into a content rig, are intended to allow me to push for sponsorships. I really want to get into some Cannabis related video sponsorships what ever that will entail as it is a huge industry here in Canada and I see ample oppurtunity. If this be the route I take the emphasis is on me to create a brand that sponsors can get behind and from what I have been told through replies to a few aplications I have sent out is that, my message has huge potential. Issue is that cannabis sponsorships wish for a channel to be specific about cannabis and crypto specific about crypto while lifestyle has no real specifics other then friendly/relateable and entertaining and none cannabis or crypto. There is no easy way to slice it, either I change the content I create or find a way to fit it into the catagorizations I have to work with.

For now both witnesses, @d00k13 & @onelovesmoke, are running of one rig and @brettblue is preoccupied with a few things so Brett has not started into launching his witness rig yet. I will most likely be working with Brett to keep his rig opperational but I am insisting her learns the basics of how to install and launch the thing even if needing my help again in future, this is a service I will offer to those I can personally connect with. Till then I will maintain my 2 witnesses as I am still uncertain if we have the numbers for stability without, at this point I am uncertain if I will ever shut down the @OneLoveSmoke backup!

Working on getting a group of solid people I personally know behind the witness ranks even if we just keep the chain running and cannot develop shit we may be able to collectively influence some local cannabis loving coders to contribute code with SMOKE and smoking sessions. I do know if we can get comitment of funds that developers are out there willing to do the work yet trust becomes an issue as we are speaking the core code of our platform and blockchain. I hope to find a few people I can trust, you know the type that do things out of passion but possibly directed by dollars or personal interest. Maybe they fall in love with what we have here in the proccess like what @Writer43 did through his profession. Maybe they consider it a gamble investment. Who cares! Let’s get some code contributed one way or another!

I hope you enjoy the little present I left for you, very few people do as much as you do for the platform and I just wanted to say thank you for helping me find my passion for Swag!!!

I know engagement lately, mine particularly, has been rough on our platform but I would like you to know the streaming rig I have built out will allow us to host live video streams / Podcasts in a discord server. Still working out all the kinks but I would love to start setting up a time and place for us to get together with like an open mic and as a host I can cast it too many different platform, we can use #OneLoveDTube discord for now as it is boosted for video chat and I can control social media chat bots(one location for all shows our chat unless we can get Stoner or someone to give up some permissions in discord). Either it goes out on my social accounts or we try get something more official going on for the platform accounts or maybe show specific accounts… anyways ideas I have been floating around since deciding to shift gears on my content creation. Using as a central sharing account will allow account password holders to sign us into the social sites without giving up social account passwords to team members which means we can all work together on this with a little trust.

I figure if we team up like suggested before we should be able to reach a few new people each show. Basically, I can host the live stream(camera changing) even paying for services and features and programs cause that is what I am doing now and social share and organize chat, all the backend @d00k13(I will be the Jamie of Joe Rogan). All we really need is a host that is somewhat discord savvy to control speech controls allowing people to chime in or share video. Someone to do some research for the week on talking points, possibly write us a loose bullet point script for the show. Script could be in a basic Microsoft Powerpoint style so it can be put live on stream when needed and I can use my accounts to share and edit between all of us active in the project.

Many little facets still need to come together but I have the intention to purchase you some material for Swag to give away on the Live Streams once we have it running.

Happy Mother’s Day @TecnosGirl, Love Ya!!!

Originally published at on May 11, 2020.



Cam Stubbs(@d00k13)

Lifestyle Vlogger | FreeWrite Blogger | DPoS Witness | Cannabis Advocate | Just Doing My Own Thing!